I am thrilled to announce that I will be covering cookbook reviews every other week for the Sunday Supper Movement. The mission of the Sunday Supper Movement is to bring families back to the table to connect and share a meal. We all are held prisoner by this fast-paced, world making it is difficult to capture those special moments that draw us closer. The conversations shared over a meal with family and friends will remain in our hearts long after the meal is over.
My first review was for Béatrice Peltre’s gorgeous book, My French Family Table, and can be found here Cookbook Envy.
To celebrate, I have purchased a copy of this book to share with you and Béatrice will be sending me an autographed book plate to place inside.
Random Number Generator picked #27 – Kerrey – congratulations!
GIVEAWAY: To enter, please leave a comment on this post sharing something from my post at Sunday Supper Movement. You may enter this giveaway daily until a winner is chosen. You may enter a second time today by sharing this post. The giveaway is open to U.S. addresses only. A winner will be chosen on July 14th – Bastille Day. Good luck!
Regular flour may be substituted for wheat flour, in equal amounts by weight
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The food is wholesome, vibrant, and appealing to the eye.
The cover looks so inspiring.
“As a bonus, when kids are involved in the preparation they are more likely to try new foods.” I totally agree.
I like that she is teaching her family to focus on flavor not restriction, by making flavor her primary focus.
I loved the fact that you repurposed both the potatoes and the lamb filling. This review made the book a must buy. Or win.
Would love to win cookbook.
As the cook in a household that is trying gluten-free, I’m encouraged to hear these recipes are flavorful and appealing. I’ll definitely have to see if the library has a copy… Or perhaps I’ll get lucky and win!
Vivid photos accompany most of the dishes! I love cookbooks with great photos.
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I definitely will be trying the stuffed potatoes!
Would love this 🙂
Picky eaters will like it!
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This book looks great!
I left a comment (Danielle R) and pinned the recipe https://www.pinterest.com/pin/175499716709146942/
I shared this post today on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/royalegacy/posts/10153615599396319
So important to bring back the family dinners at the table… July 2nd is my birthday and this would be a great present! Happy 4th!!!
this is gorgeous!
Ah, potatoes! Once I lose 19 pounds, I can eat those again, lol.
Get your kids involved in preparing food they will try new food easier.
Shared on FB here is link: https://www.facebook.com/susanbroughton606/posts/1619075771716784
I want to try those My Grandmother’s Stuffed Potatoes! Thank you.
The use of special flours and gluten flours make this book more valuable.
I’m eager to try my grandmother’ s stuffed potatoes and have a glimpse of what I am sure is a gorgeous cookbook. Love La Tartine Gourmand!
I’m pretty excited when a great looking cookbook comes out that happens to be gluten free! (Sitting here,bloated and hurting from accidental gluten exposure…eating out isn’t worth it anymore)
Beautiful cookbook!! The recipes sound wonderful.
Those stuffed potatoes looked so good that I actually clipped them to my Evernote before I even saw this giveaway. And as someone with Celiac, I really really love cookbooks that I don’t have to worry about converting to gluten free or not even attempting certain recipes because it’s not possible to convert easily. I’m super happy with her cookbook being so safe for me!
I agree with having kids help cooking makes them try new things ( having 4 picky boys I know ) and when the kids get used to helping, the dinner will be done faster 🙂
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Daily entry
The corn and fennel with sage
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Would love to win this gluten free book!
I agree that having kids help in the kitchen makes them more adventurous when it comes to eating different things. I’m interested in trying some gluten free recipes and I’m definitely going to make this stuff potato recipe.
The picture of the food looked so delicious I wanted to lick the cover!
Another cookbook that I would love to get my hands on!
The potatoes look amazing!!
Hope to win!
You may substitute regular flour for wheat flour.
Gorgeous looking book.
Planning to try My Grandmother’s Stuffed Potatoes this week!
The stuffed potato recipe sounds delicious!
Posting again
Thank you for introducing me to a new (to me) author, blog, and lovely cookbook.
I’m always looking for gluten free recipes and it’s great to see these in a French cookbook. Thank you!!
Hi again
Many of the recipes are gluten free.
I love that it’s gluten free
I love the focus on flavor of the food, rather than the restriction of being gluten-free, for example. Far too often, I find recipes with dietary restrictions have all but forgotten the need for flavor, amidst the need to meet those limitations. What a fun looking book!
I want to try to stuff to potatoes first.
Would love to win this!!
Great photo of the stuffed potato dish you made. Love the fact that the book is mostly gluten free but easily adaptable for regular flour for those without gluten issues.
“Food that is vibrant and pleasantly appealing to our eyes makes meal time more enjoyable and a little escape from the busy day.” That’s what I’m all about! Book sounds amazing and the stuffed potato recipe is on my list to do!
I’m making a gluten free recipe today…Can’t get enough great ones like these! Thank you!!
These potatoes have been calling my name for so long. I need to make them when Dan is home so that I won’t eat his portion, too. I know they’re going to be irresistible!
Today’s entry…oh la la
I want to make the stuffed potato dish & try some gluten-free recipes.
Congrats on the Sunday Supper Movement gig…this book looks amazing-great review!
I’m pretty sure those stuffed potatoes are in my future. Thank you!!
Back again! Can you tell I really like the idea of this book? Hee hee!
Stopping in to say “hi”! (waving!)
Another day, another chance to win.
Back to the table. Excellent!!
Oh my, those stuffed potatoes look perfect! I am so. tired. of the same old meatloaf & mashed potatoes meals Dad requests, so I’m going to try this one. (He’ll probably balk, but c’mon, it’s all the same basic ingredients, right??)
Beautiful cover
Just made a gluten free cherry crumble bar, so am ready to explore more g-f recipes. Thank you!!
Bonne Chance
Grew up at a nightly family table. Not so much as an adult. I realize what a gift this was. Looks like a great book.
When kids are involved in the prep, they’re more likely to try new things.
Very much want to win this!
Happy July 1st!
Still trying to break that gluten free conversion code…Hopefully this great book can help! Thank you!
Regular flour may be substituted for wheat flour.
Would love to win!
Today’s entry! 🙂
Great ideas for quick weeknight meals. I like that.
Hello for today!
Happy fourth.
Happy 4th!
I think I would enjoy this book for the photography as much as the recipes! Looks beautiful.
I love how she’s getting kids to focus on flavors. Thank you!
Inspirational and aspirational
Regular flour can be substitute Ford wheat flour.
Hello today.
Happy Saturday!
I’m working on subbing whole wheat for regular flour in my bagels, but would love more of tips in this lovely book. Thank you!
Happy Sunday!
Entering on last time….