Nick Malgieri is a baking superstar – I have all his books and they always survive a purge. When I see them at thrift stores, I have to grab them and find them a good home. Recently, I’ve picked up two of his books for one of you.
How to Bake covers all the basics and more. It is a must have for any serious baker.
Cookies Unlimited is a cookie lover’s dream. 400 recipes from around the globe are shared in this book! As I was preparing this post – I’ve marked a few recipes (from both books) to try. Life is short, eat more cookies.
GIVEAWAY: This giveaway is open to U.S. addresses only. You may leave a comment daily telling me anything you like! A random winner will be chosen on August 16th. Good luck! Random Number Generator picked #32 Josette Zarb. Congratulations.
I’ve never heard of Nick Malgieri before, but I’m excited to learn more about him. Off to peruse what he’s done on Amazon!
If you ever get a chance to take a class with Nick, run to sign up. He is a master teacher.
I’ve been wanting Nicks book awhile now.
Andrew starts school August 3!! Good luck to Andrew!!!
Happy for you that Andrew starts school soon. Not so happy that I do!
I have a gift certificate to ICE and torn between taking a class with Nick Malgieri or Melanie Underwood.
I love to bake !
I’d like to start collecting his cookbooks. Thx, Jenny!
Thank you for this chance to win!
They both look like wonderful books. I really need to learn how to bake beyond basic breads and I don’t have any baking cookbooks. I’d love to win these. Thanks for the continued giveaways. 🙂
Mmm baking. I can’t wait for cooler weather !! Great giveaway!
Cookies are the best
I love to bake!!
Love Italian chefs
I love to bake – wish I would have paid better attention when my grandmother was alive!
I love to bake!!
Non-entry post:
I have both these books and they are great. Especially great reference books for all things baking/cookie related. He’s a great teacher too! Good luck to all those who enter!
I love to bake and would love to have this book
I’m a mediocre baker and need to improve – these books sound perfect for that purpose!
I recently picked up a copy of The Modern Baker but have yet to making anything from it. One recipe I’ve got marked to try soon is the Whole Grain Apple Raisin Bread, a quick bread. Sounds great.
I love Nick Malgieri! He is a gifted baker! And cookbook author!
I don’t own these. If Jenny recommends, i believe her good taste
Fall, cooler weather, and BAKING! Love to win these.
I have both of these books. Many of Chef Malgieri’s recipes, especially the cookies, have become our family’s standard holiday tradition. Unfortunately I missed his appearance in Florida a few months ago. I wanted to thank him personally for making our holidays more enjoyable…and delicious.
Sometimes I really miss Fall, so I crank up the AC and bake to my hearts content.
Ohh, Fall baking…I’m thinking I need to start thinking about pumpkin desserts! These look like great cookbooks and I don’t have either one! Thanks for all these giveaways!
I used to see Nick on the Food Network. Years ago. He’s a really talented baker.
In the mood for a cookie.
If it weren’t for my bread machine, I wouldn’t be doing any baking at all during these really hot days. I miss baking! (Almost as much as I miss having homemade goodies on hand)
I love cookbooks and trying new recipes!
What a great opportunity to participate in your cookbook giveaway contest. My passion for cookbooks and baking urged me to finally give it a whirl! Thanks for so many new titles and wonderful books for me to research and discover so many new avenues in cooking and tasting worldwide flavors.
I love cookies :’)
I love his cookbooks!
Although I love eating cookies, I’m usually too lazy to go through all that cutting and/or shaping, and fussing with the pans. I usually go the cookie-bars route–easier, but still tasty.
Cookie-bars are this lazy baker’s go-to solution as well. Since I have to bake gluten free and convert non-gf recipes to be able to bake (which is easy enough when you’ve been doing it as long as I have), it’s so much easier to bake bars and not worry about determining an addition to act like gluten and keep the cookies together without falling apart.
It’s so hot in Phoenix today you could bake cookies on your car’s dashboard. Might take a little extra time though…
Yay a baking book!
TBH what I’ve been up to is looking forward to my first autumn season “back home.” I’ve spent far too long living away from the northeast and it’s so good to be back. The apple picking, the gorgeous leaves, the brisk air. I can’t wait to have my first Thanksgiving as a returnee to the northeast but a newly minted citizen of NJ.
Love to win a baking book!
Apples are my favorite thing about autumn, and I love baking with them. I’m looking forward to apple season, but first I want to enjoy the rest of summer.
Good evening!
Happy weekend
I love baking books
Would love these. I don’t bake much in the summer but am looking forward to this fall.
Although I have been baking since I was a child, I consider myself a novice baker. I need all the help I can get and would love this book!
I’m planning on trying my hand at homemade fig newton’s tonight! I can always use new bakin recipes!
Love this book!
It’s still been too hot for baking, but I did make a nice batch of rice pudding. I had some homemade creme fraiche in the refrigerator, and I happily put a dollop on top of the pudding. Mmmmmmm
I am feeling super lazy today and have been eyeing the box of brownie mix in my cupboard, trying to decide if it was going to continue to stay in my cupboard or if it would make it to my stomach. I held strong and left it alone, which my stomach finds very sad.
Books look wonderful. Off to the kitchen to try a new recipe for peach/ blueberry bars…
Just saying hi!!
Tomorrow I am baking, no matter what the weather. I’ve got an open jar of homemade applesauce and an open bottle of buttermilk, neither of which is getting any younger. I’m thinking quick bread with the applesauce, and biscuits with the buttermilk. We’ll see…
Had a great hike today after some horrible colon failures yesterday . ::sigh:: gotta pay more attention to the bread rising timea.
Cooking failures, wow that was an unfortunate autocorrect.
What do you think of the name super chunk for a bakery? Sounds delicious to me:-) Maybe they’ve tried nick’s recipes.
So with all my good intentions about baking today, the only thing I baked was calzones for dinner. I made the dough in my bread machine and baked the filled calzones in my toaster oven. Maybe tomorrow for the applesauce quick bread….
Entry for today
I caved and made the brownie mix that was in my cupboard. I do not regret it.
There is a slight chance of rain here in our corner of the California high desert today. I just hope it stays cloudy all day so that it will be cool. Have a wonderful day yourself!
Checking in for today. Been little cooking gun-shy this week since a very pathetic bread making disaster a couple days ago. Sad little gray loaves, lol.
Happy Wednesday! Stay cool and bake on…
The kitchen in our rented house isn’t very big, but I have one entire cabinet devoted to nothing but baking supplies, and they’ve spilled over into other cabinets, too. But I need all those different types of flour, and sugars, and speciality items. And don’t get me started with the pans!
Thursday is a good day to bake…
So many recipes I’ve got marked to try–plus making favorites over again, too. So why am I always on a quest for yet another cookbook full of even more recipes to tempt me?
Hi for today!
I’m running out of semi- witty things to write.
Enjoying the monsoon rain today, looks like a good day for baking 😉
tonight it’s WAY too hot and humid to bake so I’ll have to just read about it. Better weather tomorrow…
I miss baking, but I just can’t make myself turn on the oven these days. The peaches in the market might just be the push I need. Mmmmm, peach cake.
A neighbor let me pick from her apple tree so tomorrow morning an apple cake is in the works!
Checking in for today :-).
Apples already? Wow. The trees on the property here are still small and definitely not ripe yet. I’ve still got many many jars of apple goodies from previous years, so I don’t know if I’ll be doing much apple canning this year.
Pop goes the weasel
To fetch a pail of water
Yay baking giveaways!
Thinking about all those jars of apple goodness on the shelf got me inspired today, and I made a batch of oatmeal bars with apple butter. I’m hoping they’ll make a nice breakfast.
Made a caramel apple cake today and it’s so good!
I love to bake. It’s where it all started for me !
Old mother Hubbard went to the cupboard…and decided she wants more baking cookbooks…
I cannot wait for fall! I hate heat and too much sun. No joke.
Checking in, I’m going to try a recipe for hippy bars fr I’m food52 baking today.
When I’m cooking, I often just wing it. Baking, not so much. Sure, I substitute some ingredients and change flavorings and things like that, but I’m not comfortable enough with the formulas of baking to fly without a recipe. A book like How to Bake might help me get over that hump and start understanding more about what I’m doing when baking.
Hi for today
good evening
Baking is my thing!
Brought here from Eat Your Books–and I like what I’ve found!
Checking in for today 🙂
I just ate a store-bought cookie, and it was entirely unsatisfactory. Hmmm….what could possibly inspire me to bake some cookies? A really cool cookbook about baking cookies maybe?
Love Nick Malgieri! My copy of Chocolate is pretty beat up at this point. Some cookbooks are for looking at (well, to me) and some are for cooking from, his are always the latter!
I wish I had a cookie right now.
Hurry up, Fall, I miss you!
Theme song for NE Ohio today: Judy Garland singing “Stormy Weather”…
Last night was actually clear, and I spent some time outside after midnight watching the Perseid meteor shower. I saw a few meteors, but they weren’t overly bright or long, and there weren’t as many as I had hoped–the predictions were for 200 per hour. I love the night sky, and I’m lucky enough to live in the country where it gets very dark.
It is super hot where I live and I have to bake a cake for an event tomorrow but I sure don’t want to!
Another day, another entry
Another one of my cookbook heroes.
My cake turned out perfect!
Baking has kept me sane through the years.