Random Numer Generator picked #149 Sarah (email sent) for the first prize and the 2nd prize Danielle S. (email sent). Congratulations!
We are nearing 30,000 members in The Cookbook Junkies group. To celebrate I am posting this giveaway today which you may enter by leaving a comment daily. If you share the post – you may leave an extra comment. When we hit 30,000 members or soon thereafter, Random Number Generator will choose two winners.
The first winner will receive the contents of the first photo: Pasta machine, drying rack, ravioli form, Italian cookie press and the boards I use to make gnocchi as well as all the Italian books shown in the photo. The second winner will win the three extra copies of those Italian cookbooks shown in the second photo. This giveaway is open to U.S. addresses only.
The second winner will win the three Italian cookbooks shown in the second photo.
This giveaway is open to U.S. addresses only. I purchased all the items in the photos to share with you – the pasta machine, drying rack and several other items were purchased new – the books are in great shape – but purchased at a used book store or thrift. I would never offer you a terrible copy of anything (the book jacket on a copy or two may be a little worn but the books are very good copies).
What a great combination of items! I have never made pasta by hand, though my MIL (from SICICLY) used to for special meals!
Wow!!! Didn’t we just celebrate 20,000. I love kitchen gadgets as well as cookbooks.
Thanks Jenny for all you do!!!!!
You are amazing.
I think I was Italian in another life. I have several of these cookbooks and love them all. Ps-no problem, I never win anything! LOL
Congratulations Jenny! I expected that there might be a few other cookbook lovers in the universe, but your site opened my eyes to just how many kindred spirits we have. Thank you!!
Can I have your autograph when the group reaches 30,000! You are awesome at what you have accompished!
What a great giveaway!
OMG!!!!! More cookbooks to add to my cookbook Library. Thank you.
You do an outstanding job, Jenny!!! Thanks for the opportunity.
What a beautiful giveaway! 700 shy –,you’ll hit that in a week 🙂
Amazing! Would love to win!
Very nice giveaway! Congrats on nearing such a lofty number of members!!! Whodathunkit when it all began? And who knew at least 30.000 people are addicted to cookbooks? Totally understandable, of course.
Awesome! Italian is my favorite!
Such wonderful giveaways. Thank you for the chance to win !
Thank you for such lovely packages to giveaway!
Congratulations on having so many members! That is amazing!
I shared this with my Facebook friends
Second comment because I shared.
Wow, this group just keeps on growing. Amazing job, Jenny!
nice collection of goodies that would fit well into my kitchen!
Congrats on 30K…..
Thank you Jenny for all that you do !! Great group full of great members !!
shared on pinterest !
I’d love to win any of this!
Fantastic giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity, Jenny!
Love love all things Eataly:))))
thX for the contest, group, &inspiring me!
Great giveaway Jenny, Italian cooking is my favorite!!! Thanks!
What a fantastic giveaway!! I would love to try these pasta-making gadgets!
What fabulous giveaways Jenny!
Love this giveaway.
Awesome prizes!
I shared on facebook.
Excellent giveaway! Thanks!
So exciting!! Glad that you are quickly gaining followers!
What a wonderful giveaway!! Thank you so much.
Happy to be among other avid collectors. 30,000-who would’ve thought?
would love to own either of the prizes!
Shared on Facebook Here is link https://www.facebook.com/susanbroughton606/posts/1616350235322671?pnref=story
Jenny, you are amazing! Thanks for all you do!! These are great giveaways! I’d be happy to get any of these.
Congratulations! Share the cookbook love! Looks like a wonderful prize package.
Congrats!! That is a great number, and those are some sweet books!!
Cookbook Junkies has given me so.much.joy!! congratulations on your impending milestone!!
Love this giveaway!
Shared the giveaway on Facebook!
Still one of my favorite subjects: cookbooks!
All I can say is WOW, thank you Jenny for all you do for us here at The Cookbook Junkies.
Congratulations on the upcoming milestone! And thanks for putting together such a fabulous assortment of prizes to celebrate.
I shared on Facebook.
I just shared this giveaway post on Pinterest.
I wish we could all get together for a fabulous Italian potluck.
I love to make these kinds of dishes. Would love to add these goodies to my collection.
What an awesome giveaway! So many great tools and cookbooks!
Fun giveaway!
Shared on Facebook!
The Boston Globe food section today got me salivating for Italian food!
I’d like to make the lasagna recipe in each of these books
Mama Mia! Let’s all praise Jenny! Where would we be without her labor of love?
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! I’ve always wanted to try making pasta from scratch.
The best giveaway EVER !
Congrats on reaching another milestone!!!!!
Thanks Jenny for running such an amazing group. I am so glad to have found “my people” who don’t think it is weird to read a cookbook like you would a novel, know the excitement of finding something from your wish list, or having a huge collection of cookbooks rather than a designer handbag or expensive shoes 🙂
When I’ve made pasta, I’ve just used a rolling pin and knife. Sure would love to take some of the labor out of it with some great pasta-making tools!
Cant wait!!!! Any I don’t have any of these in my collection!!!! Would love Splendid Table, Marcella Hazan and Rao’s has been on my list for a while! I so want to try homemade pasta!!!!
This is such a fun giveaway!
This all looks amazing!!! Wow
What a great giveaway, and those are great cookbooks. Congratulations on nearly reaching 30,000, it won’t be long now!
Looking forward to being part of the group!
Amazing selection – thanks for being so generous! I’m crossing fingers 🙂
Need that pasta machine!
Thank you for creating and moderating this group!
Thanks for the chance to win these goodies! I hope it’s ME!
*fingers crossed* This is such a nice giveaway!
What a great giveaway.
Congrats on being so close to 30k!
Awesome, congratulations!
Shared on Facebook.
Amazing that there is just about 30,000 of us cookbook crazies here. You rock. I’m Italian, sooooo, pick me, pick me. 😉
Thanks for another chance.
Shared on Facebook.
Cool celebration giveaway!
what an Amazing giveaway !!
Congratulations on having so many followers
I shared this again today
I’ve never made my own pasta. I think it would be neat to try.
Thanks, Jenny, for all you do!
It’s so hot today. I need an Italian ice!
Such great cookbooks!
What an awesome giveaway. I have always wanted the Marcella Hazan cookbook, so I wouldn’t mind being second 🙂
Awesome giveaway, and awesome milestone! Thanks, Jenny!
Great giveaway.
I’ve got a pasta machine on my wish list, and I’m hoping to get one for my birthday next month. That is, unless I win this giveaway! 🙂
Ive been wanting a pasta maker! Great giveaway and awesome group!
congrats on 30,000! i love me some Italian food :p yumm
Love to make pasta!
Fingers crossed!
I’ve always wanted to make my own pasta!
Shared on twitter!
Wishing everyone good luck, this is a great giveaway!
This is such an awesome prize package. As a good Italian-by-marriage, I already have some of these things, but my sister has gotten into pasta making, too, so I would love to share this with her.
How exciting, Jenny! Congrats to you and thank you for all your hard work! These are very fun giveaway packages.
What great treats you put together. You are amazing!
Shared the contest on FB.
Hope I win!!!
I tweeted.
I’m ready for fall.I could make lots of pasta!
I would love to cook more Italian dishes besides spaghetti and lasagna. Thank you for this opportunity to win!
I shared this giveaway again today
I’ve got to get my daughter to join us here
As much as I love ravioli, I’ve never tried making my own. Someday, maybe. Your giveaway has me dreaming all sorts of dreams about the things I could make!
It’s me again! Really hoping to win this but knowing the odds are against me. Still… I drove 10 miles home last night then 60 miles today before calling my son and telling him about the odd light show on the dashboard and being told the park the thing. He checked it out and the alternator bracket had broken and the alternator was not connected at all. Sooo…. It’s a lucky day for me, which is why I decided I should post here again today and test Lady Luck again. 🙂
Thank you!
I love making pasta, especially by hand. I would love to win this one.
Yay! It’s Saturday!
I shared the contest on twitter!
I would just like to give you my thanks once again on offering not one, but two chances to win such wonderful prizes.
Shared on Facebook once again
Every time I drop by the group’s Facebook page, it seems that the number of members is higher than the last time I checked. I shouldn’t be surprised that there are so many other cookbook junkies out there, and it’s good to know that I’m not alone in my addiction. 🙂
Awesome giveaway!
Sharing sharing sharing!
I tweeted!
Cool giveaway!
Love these great giveaways!
Today’s entry!
Thanks for these fun giveaways!
Happy Father’s Day! It looks like it’s going to be a scorcher, but we will have fun anyways.
Shared again today on Facebook
Fingers and toes crossed
Having the right tools in the kitchen can make all the difference, and you’ve put together a great collection of tools for making authentic Italian food. Thanks for the chance!
Just shared your milestone and giveaway on Pinterest. Thanks again!
This looks so great!
Another entry for today!
Shared this contest on Facebook
Daily entry! 🙂
Happy First Day of Summer! We are going to have a scorcher here where I live. I am hoping it will only reach to 115° but it might just reach to 120° or more.
I shared the giveaway at Facebook again
I retweeted the giveaway.
It’s Monday. I’m having lunch with the ducks by the pond.
I’m guessing that a lot of CBJ members must already have most of the prizes you’re giving away, or else there’d be a heck of lot more entries here. The only thing that would be a duplicate in my kitchen is the cookie press–I don’t even have any of those books (gasp!).
Great giveaway!
My entry for the day.
What a great giveaway!
I tweeted the giveaway!
Wishing you a happy Tuesday for my daily entry!
Shared on Facebook again today
Today’s entry.
Entry for today and a thank you for all you do.
Well done Jenny!
Wow–less than 300 to go to get to 30,000! Won’t be long now. 🙂
I shared this fun giveaway on Twitter. Thanks!
Can’t wait until you hit 30,000!
Thank you!
I just love getting more and more cookbooks. Drives my husband nuts.
I shared again today
Congratulations! You’re definitely the cookbook mama to many of us!
I just emptied out a bookshelf of reference books (writing, grammar, stuff like that) to make room for more cookbooks. I can’t see the top of my coffee table any more!
168 members more to go until it’s 30,000 !! 🙂
Super close to 30k!
Now it’s less than 150 to get to the magic number. It’s pretty exciting to watch the membership grow.
Here’s wishing all a great day!
hope you pick me!
Another daily entry
Just saying hi!
Today’s entry. Almost there!
Another must-have book for me. I love Italian food, especially pasta.
I am learning to cook Italian food and these books would be perfect for me!!!
I love, love italian food. Need to have it!!
Can’t remember if I already entered and this one is too good to miss!
First prize or second prize, whoever wins is going to love their prizes, for sure. Great giveaway!
Crossing my fingers!
I love to make pasta by hand and I must have this book. I am beginning to have symptoms of withdrawal and so I must get this book.
Woohoo! Fewer than 75 more new members needed to get to the magic number! And some lucky Cookbook Junkie will get a fabulous collection of Italian cooking tools, and another will get some great cookbooks. Fun!
I dreamt I won this last night and gave a totally brilliant acceptance speech.
What generous giveaways! I would love the 2nd prize. 🙂
This is a wonderful collection of books and items. Congrats on reaching a huge milestone of members. Thank you for the giveaway and opportunity.
I need to try making ravioli again, my last effort was so-so at best.
pinned the giveaway : https://www.pinterest.com/pin/38280665562679319/
Here’s hoping that the first Saturday in summer is being good to all.
Shared this today
Love the collection of books ! A must have for anyone cooking Italian foods!! 🙂
Why am I having such a craving for Italian food?
Wowzers–only 25 new members to go until 30,000. I guess there are a lot of us Cookbook Junkies out there. (Confession: I bought several more at a library sale yesterday.)
P.S. I meant that I bought more cookbooks, not Cookbook Junkies. Just clearing that up. 😀
Daily entry – Thanks for all that you do. Love reading your posts.
Facebook share https://www.facebook.com/royalegacy/posts/10153625357711319
Hi, hoping to win!
Congrats in advance on reaching 30,000, I love being a part of The Cookbook Junkies!
Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous prize !
I would love these prizes…thank you so much for sharing with us!
Amazing giveaway!
Sharing on fb
I am going to remember this day when we hit 50,000! Congratulations Jenny, you run a good ship. 🙂
Congrats, Jenny!
Entering once more. Congratulations on 30,000! what an accomplishment.
Congrats on 30,000! I love to win this book.
One more time! 🙂
Looks wonderful! Happy 30K
Lucky Number 200 – Looks great!
Congrats on 30K it’s exciting to get to post and read what others are sharing on this amazing cooking journey! The Italian gifts also look amazing!
One last entry for this! Congrats again, Jenny!
Thank you so much!