the last couple weeks Andrew has started to chew his sleeve, the fronts of his shirts…
he pulls up his shirt and he used to play with his belly button – now its his nipple (sounds funny but not); he does it all the time
pacing and worrying more, totally anxiety striken about making people gifts
noises bothering him more
now today he is starting some weird breathing thing – I ask him “are you okay?” – “yes, mommy, I’m making a pattern”.
we’re lucky – he is high functioning, smart – very smart, cute and funny as hell and loving….but sometimes you just want to cry.
Spoke to my doctor on Tuesday night – such a great doctor she is – calls me at 8:45 pm and talks to me for 30 minutes. The chest x-ray was normal, the sonogram showed my spleen to be slightly enlarged but not worrisome and that I had two gallstones. She asked me about my fevers….I read my log. I went through a list of things that I thought could make this happen – her answer to each “no”. So Tuesday I have to have a CAT scan and then we’ll do blood cultures and then the lymph node biopsy. Happy Birthday to me…at least my scan is a day before my birthday – I can get that out of the way.
Starting to gear up for Christmas. Going to bake next weekend (the 19th) alot for the teachers and neighbors. We’re going out on the Island Saturday to cut down our tree – then Sunday we’ll buy and put up Flo’s tree and lights.
Happy Holidays. I’m tired already.
I’m sorry Andrew’s newest obsessions are so troublesome. It must be frustrating for you. I wish I knew what else to say.
Your doc sounds like she’s a real jewel. Glad to hear the chest pix were ok. Just came to your blog so it sounds like your CAT scan is tomorrow. Extra prayers for you tonight. Keep your chins up.