I’m so nervous about leaving my complicated little boy for the afternoon/evening. I have over two typed pages of instructions for my sister in law entitled “Andrew directions”:
1) Do not touch the light switch by the front door – that will shut down the t.v. and Wii – and sometimes the Wii doesn’t come back until you disconnect everything (including cables) and then the DVR/cable box – sometimes doesn’t come back on easily and I know you’ll want the television later for yourself. I’m taping all my Wednesday shows –but you should still be able to watch a show (please be careful and don’t turn the cable box off when you use the remote –Jim does it all the time – he swears he doesn’t and he hasn’t in a while – but it happens). At 4:30 – on channel 33 (it will tape) is Andrew’s favorite show – Brain Surge – he loves it…if he is fussy – tell him it is on. He jumps alot when this show is on.
2) The phones are in the office and there is one right next to the television.
3) Our cell phones: XXX-XXX-XXXX – XXX-XXX-XXXX – the address here in case of emergency XXX XXXXX Avenue (note to readers – I might not know Peggy’s house number although I know where her house is and 911 can’t get here by saying it’s the tan house a red door) – Bryan has to be up by 6:00 to go to work (I knock on the door and make sure he is up) – don’t go in (scary scary).
4) Andrew’s medicine is drawn up on the counter and his medicine for his sinus infection too–– the syringes goes into his mouth – and he needs a drink of soda afterwards (cup in fridge with straw ready to go. GIVE HIM HIS MEDICINE at 5:15 – 5:30 ish.
5) Chicken rolls in fridge ready to heat – just use your own judgment – (around 45 seconds for a half roll should be okay) he likes it hot but not all cheesy. He hates when it is too cheesy and he hates when it is too cold or too hot. It’s a slippery slope I travel.
6) His homework is in his folder – if he is being fussy – let it go. (he usually has one page and I can do it with him on Thursday morning).
7) Tea pot and tea things are ready for you!
8) He needs a snack after school – out and labeled. He usually eats dinner about 4 o’clock – and has a yogurt or watermelon around 6:00 or 6:30 – he just gets water – bottles in fridge – pour into his green cup.
9) AS SOON AS HE GETS HOME – PEE (he should not you!) AND he should WASH HIS HANDS (you have to make sure he does this – he gets distracted and thinks he does sometimes and doesn’t). He should pee every 2 hours at least – remind him – he’ll say – no I don’t have to go but tell him he has to go. If he gets fussy remind him – he is trying to earn his dollars (our new reward program).
10) Before getting ready to read books- he needs to pee – brush his teeth (everything set out) – change pajamas (on bed) – turn his night light on – and his favorite books are there on bed. About 6:45 or 7 start that and he should be ready (after 3 or 4 books, about a half an hour) for you to turn off the lamp and say good night (leave his door open – or he’ll scream).
11) Computer – he likes:
www.jumpstart.com (he knows how to log on)
www.freerealms.com — Login in name:
(these are case sensitive). If you have problems – ask Bryan – (show him this paper). After 6:00 – no computer.
He likes Channel 123 at 3 until 4:30 — those shows — and then at 6:30 – he likes 131 Cyberchase but he doesn’t always watch t.v..
The Wii he hasn’t played in weeks. Turn the television on — turn the Wii on- take the TV remote and push INPUT once – you will see the Wii screen and he knows what to do. To get back to the television – hit INPUT three times – and you should be back to TV.
12) Although the last three days have been better behavior wise – if he gets upset and starts having a tantrum – approach him cautiously – don’t think you can go hug him and make it better. Last week a part of my cheek was almost ripped out- and I know what I’m doing with him. Riot gear in the closet.
If you have any problems – you can call us.
Do you think I over did it? Trust me – I didn’t. Our new reward program is that he gets a dollar a day – one for not hitting, a second for not screaming – so far he’s made it three whole days. I’m starting up a new program for me – for Jim. If I don’t annoy him, I get $10 a day. If I add in a “you are the most wonderful man in the world” that’s an extra $10 and for the FULL wonderful wife experience – that’s a $100. So far I haven’t earned anything.
Jenny – Stick to your program, we have faith in you! Hopefully by the end of the year, you’ll have enough to buy yourself something nice! Wish you well.
LOL, you have such a wonderful sense of humor and WOW, I don’t know how you do it. (You’d like money everytime you hear THAT wouldn’t you? I would too ’cause the next thing I hear when someone learns I have twin boys!)
I’m sure your SIL will manage and hope you have a good time. You’re going to have a good time right?
Btw, did you have your blog set to private? I tried (awhile ago) to pop in but it wouldn’t let me.
Ingrid – yes, I made a “human error” and set it to private by accident. We left for Baltimore at 8 am after we dropped Andrew off at school and we got to Johns Hopkins at 11:45 – ate lunch and saw the specialist for Jim – we got back home to Long Island at 8 p.m. — So it was fun spending the day with my husband – but it was exhausting. The bad news is that the GI Cancer Genetic Specialist says Jim’s colon has to come out but it was a great and informative visit and I don’t know how you do anything with twin boys – I have REALLY IRISH twin boys born 19 years apart. LOL
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that…. it’s preventative surgery? Hope all goes well. I’m gonna try and be better at keeping up with things.
The twins are 13 turning 14 this summer. I also have a singleton, girl. To be honest the memories have softened and looking back things don’t seem as difficult as it was. (They were born 2 mths early and Devon had “issues”. He still does but they are now (relatively) minor.) My daughter is the handful, she’s paybacks for my sassiness!
Take care!
Ingrid: In a way yes – taking his colon out now will prevent him from developing cancer there – his dad, sister and all four grandparents died from this type of cancer. His genetic testing showed that is has a 100 percent chance of colon cancer by age 50 – and he has a second rare mutation of another gene that doubles that risk. He probably is going to wait a couple years – although I wish he wouldn’t – he’s over due for his colonoscopy and is scheduling that for the early summer. It has to be monitored every year for thyroid, rectal and upper GI cancers as well in addition.
Girls are always sassy. Teenage twins-get them a show on Disney!!
You are hilarious, tough as nails and a great mom.
Oh, man! You need to get his butt (sorry) into gear! Joe’s brother had cancer at 13/14 and his Mom died of the complications due to the cancer, and his father his battling his second bout of bladder cancer. I am always on him about going for his annual check ups. Scary business. Hang in there.
Actually when the twins were babies a modeling agency was on me about getting them involved in the industry but Devon was very sick and extremely leery of strangers and crowds.
Btw, my email addy is joes1pain{at}hotmail{dot}com if you ever need to talk.