Rose Levy Beranbaum is a baking rock star. I believe I have all of her books. Her newest book, The Baking Bible, launches October 28th, and will also be available soon in fine kitchen shops and bookstores nationwide.
This book is not only 560 plus pages of beauty — the measurements are in weights and volumes and the attention to detail is wonderful. I’m an accomplished baker and this book makes me excited to get into the kitchen and start baking — but a novice can pick up this book and use Rose’s details and instructions to create baking masterpieces.
I’m partnering with Rose’s publisher HMH as well as Harold Import Co. to celebrate the launch of The Baking Bible and to share my experience making Mud Turtle Pie from the book and using Rose’s Perfect Pie Plate.
Harold Import Co. is the company that makes Rose Levy Beranbaum’s specialty baking tools which are available in kitchen shops nationwide, and on line. Rose’s Perfect Pie Plate is a beautiful and quality piece that comes in this adorable pie/hat box — perfect for gift giving (if you order the one with the recipe booklet). I love the red one — but I’m thinking another color would be great at Christmas hint, hint…wheat or sage, please.
I made the pie crust for the Mud Turtle Pie and while it was resting in the fridge, I threw together the ingredients for the pecan filling. As usual, Rose’s instructions and details are impeccable.
The pecan filling came together quickly and smelled incredible baking. The chocolate ganache is a blending of different chocolates and is rich and creamy.
Rose gave instructions for a chocolate turtle but I made a pie crust turtle. I thought it looked cute – I hope it looks like a turtle. Someone tell me it looks like a turtle.
Andrew could not wait for me to cut this pie. We all had a taste and it was delicious — the crust is amazing and the pecan filling and ganache – so good. It will be better once the ganache sets but someone couldn’t wait! Rose’s crust recipe is on line here.
The recipe for the Mud Turtle Pie can be found here.
For more about Rose’s nationwide book signing tour, go here.
For more about Rose Levy Beranbaum’s specialty baking tools made by Harold Import Co., go here.
Now for the giveaway details:
Thanks to Harold Imports Co. and HMH — for offering my readers a chance to win an autographed copy of The Baking Bible as well as one of Rose’s Perfect Pie Plates. Please leave a comment on this post and Random Number Generator will pick a winner on November 14th. The giveaway is for US addresses only.
Good luck and thanks for reading. I’d appreciate your sharing this post and giveaway with your friends.
I have to go wash chocolate off a little boy’s face now.
Thanks again to HMH and Harold Imports for this amazing opportunity as well as Donna Currie, author of Make Ahead Breads.
*****************More giveaways —-
Cookistry has A Baking Bible and a Silicone Bowl giveaway here.
Cindy’s Writings and Recipes has A Baking Bible and pie plate giveaway here.
Food Hunter’s Guide has A Baking Bible and Silicone Bowl giveaway here.
I’m torn between asking you to fed ex me a piece of the pie asap or just winning the book. Looks delicious!
I love pie. My whole family lives pie. Pierogis.
Would love to win. Especially that gorgeous pie plate.
Thank you so much for the giveaway; I would LOVE to win a copy (this has been on my wishlist for months but finances a bit tight!) and the perfect pie plate looks amazing 🙂
I think your turtle is awesome. Pie is my favorite.
It definitely looks like a turtle! Another book added to my ever growing to buy list.
Oh my pie! It looks great. I would have had a hard time waiting for it to set also. I love the pie plate. Great giveaway!
I know it is only for USA BUT I would love a copy. Still can’t order from!!!! Looks fantastic JENNY
It looks like a turtle, but the pie looks like a winner.
Looks amazing Jenny!
Looks great! I have one of Rose’s books and it’s a great reference and one I live by!! : ) Thanks for sharing and offering this great giveaway!
Of course it looks like a turtle! That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw your pie. “Hey, what’s that turtle doing on top of that delicious looking pie?”
Would love to be the owner of this book, and the pie looks awesome!
My Mother, grand daughter and I are such easy marks for anything chocolate. This looks decadently delicious-the pastry turtle too! Everything Rose Levy Berenbaum does is great.I’d love to win this book.
That crust you made Jenny looks flawless! I am just starting to learn to baking, thanks for stating that it is good for novices as well.
Perfect book for me and it really is the perfect pie plate!
We are pie family. We have birthday pie, not cake. This cookbook looks like a perfect addition, and in addition to cookbooks, you can never have too a many pie plates either!! So perfect!
You’ve done it again – another book for my wish list! The pie crust and pecans look great, but adding the ganache makes it a must have for me!
That pie looks amazing, and now I am craving pie.
Would LOVE to win the Baking Bible AND the Pie Plate! I love her books and want to make that Turtle Pie!❤️
Now this is my kind of book! It’s so yummy, yummy!
OOOOH, that pie looks so yummy! Would love to win these prizes!
I love the look of the pie and plate. Turtle looks happy on his chocolate pond.
I would dive into that pie like a pig in a mud pit! That is a beauty. What a wonderful giveaway!
I have been researching this book for the longest! The pie plate is awesome as well! This is a wonderful prize for a foody! As for the turtle pie it looks delicious.
The pie looks amazing, Jenny! Love the little turtle. Cute pie plate too.
Thanks for the chance Jenny. You’re pie looks gorgeous and love the cute little turtle. Nice review.
It looks just like a turtle !
The rest of the pie looks delicious
Fabulous pie! Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize, too!
OMG, Jenny! You out did yourself on this pie. Looks like I’m going to be ordering another cookbook. That is a beautiful pie plate and the sage color is calling my name.
Andrew’s mom,has the best giveaways!!!
You made it look so easy, and delicious. I love the turtle.
It looks like every turtle I’ve ever known. I like the idea that her book can benefit both experts and novices.
Oh my, so much good stuff going on here! The pie, the plate, the book & most definitely the turtle!! I would eat that turtle first, for sure…
It looks like a turtle, for sure! The pie looks fantastic!
I love this! Pie looks amazing – and yes…it looks like a turtle! LOL Good job… Hope I win – would love to have the book! =)
Would love to win for my husband, whose smitten with pies now and needs a plate too.
Magical! I am a huge Rose fan. I just love her, and The Cake Bible is one of my most used cookbooks. I would love a copy of The Baking Bible! Yay! Thanks, Jenny and HMH for such a great giveaway!
PS It looks *just* like a turtle. <3
OMG. This pie looks so delicious!!!
The pie is lovely. might try it for a potluck next week. Thank you.
It looks like a turtle. I learned how to bake from Rose’s first book. My copy is in tatters. I would love a copy of her new book.
Jenny, the pie looks absolutely delicious, but, then I am a ganache lover! I like your pastry turtle! I would love to have Rosy’s new book!
Susan Rebillot
Beautiful! I can only hope mine will look as delicious when the pie plate is delivered to my house 😉
I need to work on making pies, so this is where I need to start!
And your photos are impeccable. 🙂
The cake looks awesome! Hope I win so I can make one in my house.
Looks great! Would love this book!
Your pie looks super-yummy! The plate is so pretty! Thanks for the chance to win these baking goodies!
I think in my hurry to taste the pie…my fork may have cracked my laptop screen!! OMG that looks amazing!!!!
Thanks for making the giveaway possible!
Thank you for the giveaway – and yummy fantasies of pie!
Thanks for a fun giveaway. I plan on making this pie for Black Friday potluck at work. Drooling…get the napkins ready.
Looks so yummy! Thank you for posting the pie crust recipe. I’ve never been able to duplicate my mom’s pie crust,. Since the review says even a novice can follow the directions, I can’t wait to try it.
That pie looks heavenly! I love all that caramel-ey pecan bottom! I think you did great making a turtle. God knows I am no artist and I’m postive that is way better than I would ever do!
Awesome giveaway! I need to step up by pie skills.
Of course it’s a turtle. It’s a fabulous turtle! This one’s on the Christmas wish list so perhaps I’ll win the autographed copy and my elves can bring it to me. I’m doing the happy dance just thinking of it! 🙂
That is a gorgeous pie!
I want this book!
Thanks Jenny for a chance to win this book. Your turtle is adorable!
The pie plate looks fabulous!
Looks delicious and i would totally eat that turtle!
One more try – Jeanne Morris. We shall see! Fingers crossed — to post AND to win!! haha
Thank you Jenny for a chance to win this book and pie plate so I can make the turtle pie you made
I would love to call this book my own. 🙂
The pie looks divine. Would love to win the book.
That pie looks wonderful!
This is such an exciting giveaway! The book, the gorgeous pie plate, the pie!, the pie!
Beautiful pie! I wanted a slice immediately. I hope I win. I do love to bake a good pie.
Awesome, thanks so much for the giveaway! The pie plate is so beautiful too! Would like to participate, I write from Spain but a have an adress in the US cause my nephew is living there! 🙂
Love turtles–the animal and the candies. And that pie crust turtle is cute! I want this book! And pie plate. Does the plate make it so crust doesn’t shrink while baking? I hate that. Your crust looks beautiful. Even when I follow crust directions exactly, I still get shrinky dink crusts. I think it’s the plate. I want the plate. 😉
Love your posting of my recipe–you did me proud!
I would love to win the Baking Bible. I enjoy finding new recipes and trying them out, and this recipe book would just be wonderful. The beautiful pie plate would be the icing on the cake! <3 Thank you for this opportunity.
This looks wonderful !a must try, thanks for the chance!
This looks like a great book!!
.Baking is good for the soul!
I’ve baked some cakes from Rose’s other book and they came out spectacular. She really has a way with describing in detail the process in achieving great results.
Mmmmm pie!
Thanks for a chance to win this book. The pie looks fabulous!
This pie looks amazing.. and with 560 other pages I can only hope to be the winner of this fabulous book! And since I love to make pies… the pie plate wouldn’t hurt either 😉 Thanks for the opportunity!!
I first thought it was a star but with stuff on it 🙂 Then you said it is turtle, I go with the turtle 🙂
I would love to have this book to my collection.
What a beautiful pie plate! I would love to bake an apple pie or pumpkin pie in it for Thanksgiving.
royalegacy at gmail dot com
I would love to win this! She is my favorite cookbook author.
i need a new cookbook now!
Lisa C
Would love to win this book!
That definitely looks like a turtle! I’m sure the crust is wonderful but I would also be happy with a spoon just to eat the filling! It looks like a beautiful book! I would love to win a copy!
I love chocolate pecan pie…would love to try this turtle pie!
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
Just got into baking and this would be awesome!
From what I’ve seen about this book so far it looks pretty good! I might just have to buy it if I don’t win a copy. I also like the Rose’s Perfect Pie Plate a lot since I suck at pinching the edge of pie crusts. I’m sure I’d get better if I just practiced but I don’t bake pies all that often. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for such a great giveaway!!
I have all of her books as well. They’re always fool proof. Can’t wait to bake my way through the baking bible 🙂
Beautiful work! Looks delicious!
Beautiful! Looks delicious!
What a great giveaway! That pie is gorgeous, too!
What a great giveaway! I can’t wait to see this book!
That pie looks amazing!
Gotta try that pie
Pie is the preferred dessert here!!
Thanks for sharing such great information.I will definitely be doing and sharing this.
I want one of these pie hatboxes. I want this cookbook, too…PLEASE!
This pie. Oh my, this pie! Sounds amazing!
I’m not sure which is more tempting: that scrumptious looking pie or the adorable pie pan/box combo!
Wonderful review as always! I’m actually looking forward to the Baking Bible more than Dorie’s book, just because this looks more like something I’d use regularly.
Beautiful pie plate, great book, and fantastic pie!
I love sweets! Bring on the pie!
I’m a ‘Suth’rin girl…..nothing says love like a pie!
I really want to win this book and really want to try that pie!!
Oh Yum, looks great. I would love to win this! Thanks so much!
Ann b.
ababe28 at hotmail dot com
Looks like a wonderful book! 🙂
Nothing makes me happier than a kid with chocolate on their face.
I am determined to overcome my fear of baking and want to dive right in. Obviously I need all the help I can get. This pie looks like a wonderful way to start.
It appears I NEED this book!
This pie looks so yummy. I love the scalloped edges on the pie plate.
Oh I so need this book! I’m on a baking mission & think it would be awesome to have! And the pie – I’m gonna have to make that pie!
Thank you!!!
I love The Cake Bible… it was one of the very first cookbooks I ever bought for myself and this was way back when and I still love baking from it. I dream of owning a copy of The Baking Bible.
Beautiful pie plate, and beautiful pie – plus gorgeous book. I have her other books, and am looking forward to this one!
I would love to win …I collect pie plates and pie cookbooks. 🙂
You know how much I need this 🙂 XOXO Gorgeous job on the pie you made 🙂
With the holidays coming up – pies are easy peasy and would love to try out some new recipes.
That’s a lovely turtle. I’d like that pie, please. Or … well, yes, the book would be okay too.
What a fantastic book. Can’t wait to read the autographed copy with a cup of tea. Your pie looks delicious too.
Your little turtle is so cute.
My mouth is watering – the chocolate atop that pie is so inviting. Yum!
I don’t make enough pies. And I don’t think I’ve ever made pie crust from scratch. I need to remedy that. Thanks for taking time to do the giveaway!
Rose Levy Berenbaum rocks! Her cookbooks are fabulous and this cookbook looks to be just as great. Thanks for the opportunity to get this one!
This looks Devine,can’t wait to try it.
This looks Devine,can’t wait to try it.
This would be perfect.
I would love to havethe red pie plate and Rose’s new book. Passionate baker here.