So much for snow….there wasn’t enough to make one good sized snow ball and here I was thinking this morning – I better get to the shed to get out the shovel before it gets too deep out there.
Andrew (the 2 and a 1/2 year old which I shouldn’t have to clarify because if my 22 year old did these things we’d be on Jerry Springer sooner than I anticipate) likes to lightly pinch me, wants me to make a face, then he says…”Mommy sad. Mommy got a boo boo. It’s okay Mommy. I make you happy.” Then he hugs me. He does this 46 times a day, every day.
I made chicken pot pie with a cornbread crust (yes, honey, I got the little baby peas – just in case my husband is reading this) and a beef roast and mashed potatoes. I have to hide both until dinner time or the 22 year old will eat them both. He’s like a bear — sometimes we have to tie Andrew up high in a tree so he won’t try to eat him too. I usually don’t make two separate meals for dinner but my wonderful, handsome husband asked for chicken pot pie this week and he is sick and I want to do anything I can to make him feel better and I had to cook the roast today. Okay, now I can send him the link to this blog.
I hate to tell you but I sent Andrew’s Dad the link a loong time before you posted this.
Well, it is a good thing I was brutually honest in my mentions of him.