I can’t feel hatred for this 23 year old mad man who ended 33 lives including his own.
Why was a 23 year old, obviously disturbed young man who was hospitalized for mental illness allowed to purchase two semi-automatic hand guns??
We’ll never have gun control in this country but maybe we should have ammo control. If someone passes the mandatory test for a gun for “protection” they should be allowed one round of ammo – it should all be computerized and unless this person has used the gun to protect himself (police reports, etc.) then they shouldn’t be allowed to purchase more ammo. — Target practice – at each target shooting facility – ammo can be purchased but has to be used on the premises – and this should be monitored. If we have HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars to fight a war we shouldn’t have gotten into in the first place – we can have the same amount to monitor guns/ammo purchases etc. All of this has to be cheaper than 32 victims funerals and 32 victims families being ruined.
If only I were Queen.