Hallie Baker is the owner of Turtle Alley Chocolates with locations in both Gloucester and Salem, Massachusetts and has just released Turtle Truffle Bark! “simple and indulgent chocolates to make at home”. I touched upon this title in my Spring round up, but indulgent chocolate cookbooks need a post of their own!
This book is loaded with every imaginable turtle combination, barks of all flavors and truffles galore! White chocolate cashew bark with cranberries, maple walnut turtles, milk chocolate coconut curry truffles and Chinese five spice truffles were just a few of the standout recipes that caught my eye. I love exotic flavor profiles and hopefully you do as well because I am please to share the recipes for the Chinese Five Spice Truffles and Milk Chocolate Coconut Curry Truffles courtesy of The Countryman Press and Hallie A. Baker.
Lovely photographs and helpful hints make this book a welcomed addition to my cookbook library. My son loves all things chocolate and I am planning on making some homemade turtles this weekend from this book. He will be in heaven.
And now for the great news! One lucky reader will win a copy of this book! Please leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite chocolately treat is. US and Canadian addresses only. A random winner will be chosen on May 15th. Good luck.
Random Number Generator picked #12 Robin Chesser — congratulations!
Coconut macaroons dipped in chocolate
If it has sugar, it’s my favorite. Must. Try. Maple. Walnut. Turtles.
Truffles are my favorite. 🙂
Salted chocolate bites. My fave.
Truffles and Carmels are my favorites.
Any kind of bark is the bomb !!!
This book looks amazing!!!
Would love to make turtles.
I love coconut with chocolate. Thank you Jenny for including Canada in this give away
Anything chocolate. But dark chocolate truffles are a favorite.
Chocolate with fruit
Hmmmm….dark chcolate pudding!
A chocolate (dark) pecan bark with caramel and a dusting of smoked sea salt. I can feel my blood glucose rising just thinking of it!
I could use some good chocolate right about now!
I love almond caramel clusters!
Chocolate my favorite
chocolate fudge with a dusting of sea salt flakes or dulce de lech caramels with a chocolate drizzle.
chocolate covered cherries
I love triple chocolate truffle cake!
My favorite chocolatey treat is the glorious buche de noel.
I love anything chocolate!
I love all kinds of chocolate, my favorite would have to be English Cadbury. Now that it is harder to get state side I plan on playing in the kitchen to replicate it.
Dark chocolate covered almonds are my downfall!
My utmost favorite chocolate treat is dark chocolate brownies with sour cherry pieces.
How about chocolate cake with chocolate ganache frosting. Yeah, that’ll do. Or, maybe some chocolate-covered cashews.
Truffles. I keep a stash of the Lindt ones almost all the time. Good, high quality brownies (no mixes!!) are a close second.
English toffee made with almonds, coated in dark chocolate with a sprinkle of coarse salt 🙂
Chocolate anything sounds good, but my 2 faves are chocolate truffles and chocolate covered strawberries.
Anything with white chocolate. Other than that, candy bars like Take5.
Anything with cranberries!
I prefer milk chocolate and white chocolate goodies. I like chocolate treats with fruits, but my all time favorite is a plain chocolate fudge. Thank you for a chance to win this book. It looks great.
I love a brownie with a bit of milk chocolate frosting on top.
Chocolate…it’s not just for breakfast anymore! I never pass up chocolate…I love anything with unusual combinations (chocolate and chile, cinnamon, ginger, etc.). My all-time favorite chocolate brownie recipe is the original Baked NYC brownie with toasted hazelnuts – would love to add this gem to my collection!
anything chocolate I won’t turn it down
Chocolate Covered Caramels
A See’s Candy chocolate butter egg makes me swoon.
But only for about 5 minutes, the time it takes me to snarf down the whole darn thing.
Chocolate raspberry truffle brownies!
Chocolate anything. Triple chocolate cookies/brownies/ice cream/truffles — the more, the better when it comes to chocolate 🙂
I love chocolate brownies with walnuts, chocolate fudge with walnuts, turtles, truffles , milk chocolate butter creams, milk chocolate raspberry creams …… the list is endless.
Favorite? I must narrow down???? I would have to say, if not a straight bar of milk chocolate, nor ice cream, nor truffle, nor pudding, then it would be the chocolate cheesecake from (I believe) Gourmet 50th Anniversary issue. Heavenly!
Pretty much anything covered in chocolate becomes an instant fave, but my heart belongs to the turtle. I can still see my mother making these by the dozens for the church bazaar when I was about four years ago. The kitchen smelled wonderful.
Milk chocolate carmels!